
Lowongan Kerja - Teknisi Service Point (Sukabumi)

Laptopdika.com - Halo Sobat, berikut informasi Lowongan Kerja untuk posisi "Teknisi Service Point", untuk penempatan lokasi kerja di Sukabumi, barangkali anda memenuhi kriteria di bawah silahkan dibaca terlebih dahulu.


PT Murni Solusindo Nusantara is an ISO 9001:2015 certified ICT-based solutions
provider. With its reputable expertise and experience for more than 26 years, the
company has been a dominant force in integrated IT and Banking Solution.

While its cheque processing solution has been implemented in 90% of Cheque
Clearing and Processing in Indonesia, its Enterprise Customer Experience Solutions
has been implemented by customer service-based businesses across industries to
improve customer flow management, service performance, and customer experience.

Along with its best of breed solutions, PT Murni also provides the finest customer
service and nationwide technical support to ensure optimum performance of our
products and solutions for Clients’ business continuity.


  1. Melakukan PM (Preventive Maintenance) dan CM (Corective Maintenance) ke costumer sesuai dengan SLA yang sudah ditetapkan.
  2. Menganalisa dan memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan.

  1. Minimal pendidikan Diploma atau Sarjana, jurusan Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mekatronika, Teknik Informatika, dll
  2. Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai teknisi minimal 1 tahun
  3. Mampu mengoprasikan Ms. Office
  4. Memahami Bahasa Inggris, minimal secara pasif
  5. Memiliki kendaraan roda dua dan SIM C
  6. Bersedia mengikuti training 2-3 Bulan di Jakarta.
  7. Diutamakan berdomisili di Sukabumi.


Rukan Taman Meruya Blok M, No. 41-43A Meruya Utara - Jakarta Barat 11620

Untuk info lebih lengkap dan apply di halaman Sumber : JobStreet

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